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Why Coworking?


Meaghan Kincaid

02 August 2018

You’ve finally found it, the perfect coworking space for you. Now all you have to do is tackle the first day. First days anywhere can be intimidating and even give that uneasy feeling in your gut. But don’t fret,  we have a few tricks to help you conquer your first day at your cowork!


First thing first. Be yourself! A coworking space is not only a place for you to work from, but you can also network, collaborate, socialize, develop your ideas, and produce your best work possible. It is difficult to achieve all of these things if you aren’t being true to who you are. Being yourself will help you find others who share the same mindset, people you can relate to and connect with. Coworking is the ideal place to network at, which I am sure you have heard multiple times before, but it’s true! This involves putting yourself out there with confidence and pride. 


Here is tip number two. Be confident. There is no point in shying away from other members. Go into your first day with two feet first. Other members are there for the same reason you are and will appreciate your friendly and confident approach.


Tip three, always smile. Smiling is the best hello and it shows others that you are happy to be where you are. If you are feeling shy, or if it takes time for you to open up, then this is the best alternative for you. With so many new faces it can be difficult to say hello to everyone on just the first day, but smiling will help you in the future for when you do finally meet the rest of your community!


If you’ve followed the first 3 tips, then you are ready for tip 4; find the inside scoop! Ask other members their favorite and most inspirational spots in the area. Get to know your cowork, what drives the other members and their passions. Find out where is the best place to get lunch, or the best place to relax on a break. Think of your new cowork as a second home, a place that inspires you to push yourself every day.

Follow these 4 easy tips, and you'll conquer your cowork in no time. If you have more tips to add to the list, let us know, we'd love to share them with other coworking members. 

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