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Member Spotlight: Charlie & Minty Digital

OneCoWork Community Team

20 October 2021

Post updated on 20/06/2022

Meet Charlie Clark, the founder at Minty Digital, member at OneCoWork Catedral.

Minty Digital is an international marketing agency that focuses on SEO and Google Ads services for its clients around the world.

Charlie has been running the company for over 4 years and has over 10 years in Digital Marketing. Check the interview with this digital marketing expert from our community :) 

How did you discover OneCowork?

We work with a few companies based at OneCoWork and had visited the place a few times before deciding to move. One of the companies we worked with suggested OCW Catedral and after taking a tour we fell in love with the place and moved the next month.

How has your experience at OCW been and why would you recommend it to other entrepreneurs, business owners or freelancers?

It’s been great! Although we tuck ourselves away in the corner on the top floor we’ve still been able to meet lots of people and join socials. We’ve also encouraged some of our networks to move here too.

I’d definitely recommend it to others as it provides a professional environment to work in. The interior design is great for both the team and bringing clients too (existing and potential). We like the fact we have our quiet office upstairs but can also join the busier open plan area if we want to socialize more.

Has OCW helped you professionally in any way?

Definitely. It’s helped us nurture our relationships with existing clients and be introduced to new businesses who are looking for our services. It’s also helped us source talent to support with delivering our client works.

So you have your own Digital Agency. Tell us about how you started with this business.

I started the company 4 years ago with the intention of creating a full-service agency. We ran this successfully for a couple of years before coming to the conclusion that our core specialty was SEO & Google Ads, so we should focus all of our attention there.
Since focusing our attention on these 2 services we’ve been able to scale our team to over 10 and win multiple awards for the marketing campaigns that we’ve provided for clients. We’re niching our service further from 2022 to only work alongside marketing managers as this is where we feel we provide the most value with our services.

Three key things you would tell anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur.

1. Don't focus on everything and be a generalist. Choose a specific service area and be the best at it.

2. Processes and systems are the keys to scaling a business. Get them in place and get a good team to be able to execute them

3. Burnout culture isn't cool. You don't need to work 80+ hours a week to make money or have a successful business.

Join our amazing community and get to know Charlie and many other incredible entrepreneurs! Book a tour now.

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