Community Features

Member Spotlight: Cristina García

Pablo Mascaro

15 June 2018

ATTENTION: ALL CHOCOLATE LOVERS you're in luck! This week at OneCoWork, our Member Spotlight highlights Cristina, an intelligent and successful business owner! Read below to find out more about her and Barcelona Chocolate Tours.


My name is Cristina Garcia Blasco. I was born in Frankfurt/Main (Germany). My mother came from Spain and was born in Barcelona and my dad was born in France (Marseille). They moved to Germany during the beginning of the 60’s because of the strong economic crisis in Spain. After some years, they decided to come back to Barcelona.

I went to my primary school at the German School of Barcelona. After my high school, I lived for almost a year in Dublin, where I attended school at Blackrock College.

After, I decided to move to Hamburg, Germany and lived there for almost 9 years. I studied Foreign Affairs for 3 years, afterward, I began working for an international company. The company imported/ exported products, where we bought parts from Asia, imported to Hamburg and exported once again, all over the world!

In 2001, I went back to Barcelona. In Barcelona, I worked until 2009 in the consulting field. At my last company, I was a senior consultor, as a headhunter.

In 2007, a strong economic crisis affected all of Europe. At that time, I thought it would be best if I left the company I was previously working for. I was doing all kinds of recycling and attending seminars to try and find a new position. The job offers at the time had not been what I was looking for, so in 2011 I decided to build my own business, Barcelona Chocolate Tours. Barcelona Chocolate Tours became a legal business in 2015.

After, I traveled to Brazil and Africa to visit cocoa plantations. I went to Itacare and Salvador de Bahia. As I was traveling I also practiced one of my hobbies, surfing! Aside from surfing, another one of my hobbies is swimming.

Ever since I was a child, swimming has been very important in my life. It has helped me develop an incredible energy to do many other things in my life, it has also helped me develop my emotional intelligence and many other important things.


Barcelona Chocolate Tours offer the possibility to TASTE the best chocolate in Barcelona, WALK, just a Little, to see our beautiful Mediterranean city, LEARN about cocoa, the origins and how we produce chocolate nowadays, and finally the most important part, to HAVE FUN!!!!


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a video on TV3 (from 2015)

A Youtube video about us

An article in El Periodico de Catalunya

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