In the spotlight this week is OneCoWork's very own Interaction Designer, 24-year-old Karina Papalezova from Sofia, Bulgaria!
Hey Karina! Tell us about yourself!
Hi OneCoWorkers! I've just graduated from my Masters' in Interaction Design at the Harbour Space University, based in OneCoWork Marina Port Vell and I couldn't bring myself to leave the amazing atmosphere, so I joined the team and I'm now working on bringing lots of new innovative features to members and enhancing the OneCoWork experience.
How did you find yourself on this career path?
I didn’t know what I was in for when I chose a path towards web design. At the time when I started learning to code, there was a rising demand for custom websites.
I started off helping friends create a presence online for their businesses as I felt frustrated with the lack of creativity, clarity and bad information architecture that persevered in the digital space. I realised much later the opportunities in design thinking, interaction and user experience.
What challenges have you faced in this profession?
It´s tough, as designers, to educate others about what we do and how much value we can add to a business. But if I had to give a tip to other designers aiming for success, it would be to remember that technology should conform to us and not the other way round: whatever you create, make sure to include humans in the process.
And tell us what you do outside of work...
I enjoy being active and I have tried different sports over the years, to keep my options open! Last year, my obsessions were dance and boxing. This year, I feel so lucky that my city is right next to the sea and mountains, so I can go wakeboarding all year round and snowboarding in the Winter! My latest endeavour is Bikram Yoga. I highly recommend it, especially after a long day of work. (Find out more about OneCoWork´s evening yoga, by visiting our events page).
How can we connect with you?
Find me by the coffee machine! I love coffee and some might say I have too many per day... but at least I'm switching to Coconut Milk! (Alternatively, connect with me on Linkedin).
Did you know?
Before joining the OneCoWork team, Karina was featured on the OneCoWork Blog as a coder who will change the world - our feature for International Programmers' Day. Read more about it here!
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