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Member Spotlight: Lígia Leite

Dror Wayne

11 September 2018

For this week’s member spotlight, we caught up with Lígia Leite, a 28-year-old Mindset and Consistency coach from São Paulo, Brazil.

Welcome to OneCoWork and thanks for taking the time to join us for the Member Spotlight, Lígia. Let’s start off with your career. How did you arrive where you are now?

I always wanted to be a coach - I just didn’t know it was an option. I wanted to combine entrepreneurship, psychology and communication, but the limited standard career options led me to study and work with Linguistics and Journalism at first.

I  helped found a Silicon Valley startup, worked as a copywriter and had a few other projects on the side, including my event planning business here in Barcelona. But wherever I was, I would always end up coaching the team, working through their blocks and goals, helping them stay organized and consistent. Coaching is what I’ve always done naturally, regardless of my job role. Once I had realised this, it became clear I should take it full time.

So tell us a bit more about what a Mindset and Consistency Coach does…

I help entrepreneurs eliminate overwhelm and those motivation ups and downs (where we start things but don’t finish) by putting a purposeful and manageable system in place, supporting them on staying organized and following through with their ultimate goals and daily tasks. I use manifestation mindset, CBT and bullet journal techniques.

Wow! That sounds great and I’m sure many of our members would be interested in how it could benefit them. But now tell us a bit about what you do apart from work!

I read, sing, cook and craft… and play the ukelele! My biggest passion though, ever since I can remember, would have to be travelling.

And finally, apart from at our OneCoWork networking events, how can people connect with you?

- Instagram: @ligialeitecoach

- Facebook:

- Website:

OneCoWork's Member Spotlight shines on a different member each week. If you'd like to be featured, get in touch with the community managers at your OneCoWork office!

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