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OneCoWork: a Pet-Friendly Coworking Space

Clement C.

16 April 2018

A pet-friendly co-working space has many advantages for its members. A main advantage to being pet-friendly is the ability to avoid leaving your pet at home alone all day long, but it will also provide benefits to the coworking community too!


I’m not telling you anything new when I say that our furry friends bring us happiness and joy all the time. Having furry co-workers in your work environment has obvious perks. That’s the reason why we decided to go pet-friendly, here at OneCoWork.

Many studies conducted about the relationship between the pet and the human show that animals help to reduce stress and increase happiness. This combination will have a great impact on your work because a happy worker is a productive worker! In addition to this, the relationships between you and your colleagues will change for the better. Having pets around will make people feel more relaxed and open, as we all tend to share the same love for animals!

Aside from all the benefits animals provide in your work environment, it is also a good opportunity for you to spend more time with your pet. It is important to take breaks during your work hours, so you are able to restart and focus once again. Here you could take advantage of this time and go for a walk with your dog, or animal. Now when you are stressed, you'll always have your fluffy best friend to give you hugs and kisses (something that you probably can't do with your colleagues.)

Also, think about how it might be difficult to socialise at work, especially when you’re shy. Well, having your dog by your side is a great opportunity to break the ice! Other coworkers will naturally come to talk to you about how cute he is and that is how you will start networking.


Of course, welcoming pets come along with some rules in order to keep a quiet work environment.

1. The pet has to be well behaved around other animals and humans too;

2. No barking in the space, to let the other members concentrate;

3. Pets must be clean;

4. They have to remain with their owners at all times.

In OneCoWork we would love to meet your pet and share a unique space with them! Come and discover our new pet-friendly space, learn more about our next opening in Plaça Catalunya and reserve your spot!

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