OneCoWork Press
Community Features

The Green Membership: An FAQ

Ella Webber

06 November 2019

What is the Green Membership?

A couple of months ago OneCoWork committed to planting 10,000 trees on a few hectares of land in Tanzania that are looked after by ForestNation. It’s our little OneCoWork forest. We kicked off the initiative by planting 1,000 of the 10,000 trees, which leaves 9,000 for you guys to plant.

The Green Membership is an option elected by every member that agrees an added charge of as little as 30 cents on membership fees. For every 30 cents added to a membership plan, a tree is planted. So, if you were to add 3 euros to your membership plan, you’d plant 10 trees. 30 euros gets 100 trees. 300 euros plants 1000 trees.

Who are ForestNation?

ForestNation’s mission is to help humanity thrive by reconnecting us to nature and to each other. Luckily for us, Andrew, the founder and CEO, is a OneCoWork member, which made the entire process super simple. However, ForestNation actively works with thousands of individuals, companies, and schools who’ve contributed millions of trees over the years. So basically, we’re in some pretty great, green hands. 

What’s the point of the Green Membership?

As we grow as a company, our responsibility to society grows with us. As this happens we’re choosing to align ourselves with socially responsible initiatives and take a proactive step towards a sustainable future. It’s important that we, as a company, understand and act on our responsibility, so we decided to offer our members a simple way to contribute.

How much difference can planting trees actually make?

Mass reforestation is one of the cheapest and most effective ways in which we can combat climate change. We’ve committed to 10,000 trees for now, and those 10,000 are our way of contributing to the global fight for a sustainable future. Our forest will absorb 250 tons of CO2 and create 1000 tons of O2 per year. Pretty cool, huh? The labour that goes into planting and caring for those 10,000 trees create 400 hours of work for locals and reclaims 10 more hectares of land to reforestry. It really does make a difference, and now so can you.

How do I add trees to my membership?

Simple! Speak to your community team and let them know how many trees you want added to your membership. They’ll sort everything out and before you know it they’ll be sprouting in Tanzania.

What if I’m in an office?

Even better, just decide how many trees per member you want to plant and let us know. For example, say you’re an office of 8 people and decide to plant 10 trees per person. That’s 24€ added to your membership in return for 80 trees planted in the OneCoWork forest per month. Nice work!

Can I do it for more than a month?

Please do! The longer you decide to keep contributing, the more trees we plant! If you’d like to continue planting trees let your community team know and they’ll make sure it’s a recurring thing!

Is there a limit to the amount of trees I can plant?

So glad you asked, absolutely not. Plant as many as you can, reforestation is an incredible way to help the environment. 

Does all money contributed actually go to planting trees in Tanzania?

Absolutely, OneCoWork are committed to aiding the fight for a sustainable future. We’re all in this together.  

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